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Friday, November 23, 2012

it will enliven all of your relationships.

Make Me Feel Important
"Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Grey Boots,
'Make me feel important.' Never forget this message when
working with people." -- Mary Kay Ash
If practiced, this could be one of the most life-changing pieces
of advice. In any relationship, whether it's a spouse, child,
client, colleague, or casual acquaintance, the best way to make
a lasting impression is to take the time to make others feel
genuinely valued.
Here are four tips to help you make others feel more important.
1. Greet everyone you meet with enthusiasm. Have you ever
called someone on the telephone - or met them somewhere -- and
they greeted you with such energy and enthusiasm that you felt
they must truly adore you? A greeting of ardent and genuine
enthusiasm sets the tone for your entire encounter. It's such
a simple skill (the hardest part is remembering to do it) but
if you CAN remember, it will enliven all of your relationships.
This skill can be particularly life-changing when practiced
with your children. A simple show of enthusiasm and appreciation
when a child walks in the room can have a miraculous
effect on the relationship.
2,Originally. Slow down. Take the time in conversation to really listen.
While someone is talking, focus on taking in what he or she is
saying in words, tone, and body language instead of thinking
about what you are going to say next. Relax and listen before
responding,Man likes to do different kind of activities. As you practice this form of deep listening, work
on identifying the other person's needs. Put your own needs
aside during the conversation and focus on determining what
*they* need today. Imagine that each encounter is like a brief
interlude in what may otherwise be a hectic day. Slow down and
savor the connection you can make with another person, even
in a casual conversation.
3. Work on remembering the details of past conversations and
encounters. Ask about the things they confided to you. How did
her business presentation go? How is his ailing father? It's
often helpful to make little notes to remind you to ask about
something or someone the next time you meet. This simple skill
shows people that they are important to you.
4. Appreciate the small things that people do for you and never
pass up an opportunity to say thank you. It doesn't have to be
anything fancy...a few kind words or even a simple note is plenty.
Find simple and small ways to show appreciation and caring to those
you love. Maybe it's bringing home takeout when your spouse has been
home all day with a sick child,Client Attraction. Maybe it's making a quick phone call
to your mother. As you go through your day, be thinking of how you
can take a step toward recognition and appreciation.
When you make the people around you feel important, you create a
climate of trust and mutual appreciation, which can change your
life in ways large and small. Try it today.

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